Hi all Bashers , this is to give you prior warning about what we are planning to offer Bashers before the Christmas Holiday.
In December 2022 we arranged a get together Dinner at the Phoenix Chudleigh when we invited Thursday Flyers, F.A.R.T.E.R’s & Sunday Bashers plus their partners/friends ~ plus any one else from TVPB who wanted to be involved in this “lets get together” type of event . It was very successful . So this year on THURSDAY 30TH NOVEMBER we are now planning to hold a similar Celebration Dinner at the Teignmouth Golf Club . Please diary the date further details will follow.
We also plan to hold our Traditional Christmas Fancy Dress Bash & Dinner from the Starcross Fishing & Cruising club on SUNDAY 17th DECEMBER. Full details to follow. So please Diary that date too !
As Christmas is still many shopping days away ~ so would you like “lets say” a SHORTEST NIGHT DINNER / BBQ on Thursday 22nd JUNE ~ if there is enough enthusiasm and support then perhaps I could arrange something . Applies, as with the Christmas Events to all TVPB members and their partners/friends.
Ride On Pottsie