If you would like to know more about us, there are some names and contact details below
John “Pottsie” Potts. (Commanding Officer) 01626 863432 or 07425 136042 or email pottsie36.tvpb@uwclub.net
John “Unda” Ware (Adjutant) 0770 3156278 or 01626 779387 or email – undaware@hotmail.co.uk
Diddy “Binliner” Board (Trails Co-ordinator) 07876 344946 or email – diddyboard@gmail.com
Dick “Sticky Dicky” Owen (Bash Cash) 01626 873395 or email dowen0666@gmail.com
Jon “Aunt Sally” Sell (TVPB Engineer, Bike Repairs & Parts sales. Velo Cafe, Dawlish Warren) 07545 577504 or email jonsell@btinternet.com
Debi “Bunty” Clegg (Website Admin) 07940 493382 or email – debiclegg1@aol.com