Fri 16th Fish & Chips at the Royal Oak Dunsford.

Please let Trucker know as soon as possible for numbers

No transport provided this year. Meet at Truckers field 5 pm.


Sat 17th – Ride at 11 am, social rode, plenty of pub stops.

BBQ  in the evening . Please bring contributions i.e. Salads, desserts etc your own meats , veggie or what ever you wish to cook.

Bread Rolls, Sausages etc provided and a barrel of Jail Ale.


Sunday 17th – TVPB Ride at 11am 

Toilets are available  

Cost for weekend is £25 per head 

Please let Trucker know if you are attending 1 night or 2 nights and if you will be camping.



Truckers annual bash/camping weekend will take place in his field on the dates above.

There will be  a charge of £20 per person to cover hired toilets, burgers, sausages and some beer and wine. Camping available.

Fri 18th – Fish & Chips at The Royal Oak, Dunsford – pay at the pub. Transport TBC

Sat 19th – BBQ  –  Please bring nibbles, puddings etc. Some salads, but not too many.

There will be rides Saturday & Sunday.

Please can you contact Trucker ASAP  07895 964565  to let him know if you you will be attending any of the above dates and if you will be camping as he needs numbers for the Royal Oak & to arrange transport.

BIKE 2 BARBIE – 22nd June 2023

Hi All Bashers,

On Thursday 22nd June we will be holding a “Shortest Night Mid Summer BBQ” at the Kings Arms, Kingsteignton.

 This will be a Barbie for everyone in the Bash, plus their partners regardless of whether they normally ride Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. This follows  on from the format we used for a very successful evening last December at the Phoenix, Chudleigh & this year on 30th November we are planning a similar event at the Teignmouth Golf Club.

  However, November is many shopping days away, so this June we have arranged the Mid Summer BarbieQ  get together.

  We hope the weather is kind for it and that most regular Bashers will support this “Bike 2 Barbie” as an evening they won’t want to miss !!

 So what’s it going to cost?? Just a mere £10 cash only ~ HOW MUCH ??  BUT you will have to book your place and pay £10 cash by the 19th June as there will be NO PAYING ON THE NIGHT.

 Vinyl or Blaster will collect the money and record the names of payers for the Thursday Night Flyers. Pottsie & Rappa will do the same for Tuesday & Sunday Bashers. Binliner will take care of the Exmouth Contingent.

Sid promises us a class BBQ with much higher quality and variety when compared to the food he normally produces for the Bash.  If you are a vegetarian or gluten free please tell us beforehand .

  Start time will probably be from 7:30 pm onwards and you are advised to “BIKE 2 the BARBIE” if possible, as there is very limited parking at the Kings Arms.

That’s about it, so let’s be having your £10 notes A. S.A.P. & well before the 19th June.  Thankyou.


                                        Ride On  Pottsie


Hi all Bashers , this is to give you prior warning about what we are planning to offer Bashers before the Christmas Holiday.
  In December 2022 we arranged a get together Dinner at the Phoenix Chudleigh when we invited Thursday Flyers, F.A.R.T.E.R’s & Sunday Bashers plus their partners/friends ~ plus any one else from TVPB  who wanted to be involved in this “lets get together” type of event . It was very successful . So this year on THURSDAY 30TH NOVEMBER we are now planning to hold a similar Celebration Dinner at the Teignmouth Golf Club .  Please diary the date further details will follow.
We also plan to hold our Traditional Christmas Fancy Dress Bash & Dinner from the Starcross Fishing & Cruising club on SUNDAY 17th DECEMBER. Full details to follow. So please Diary that date too !
     As Christmas is still many shopping days away ~ so would you like “lets say” a SHORTEST NIGHT DINNER / BBQ   on Thursday 22nd JUNE ~ if there is enough enthusiasm and support then perhaps I could arrange something . Applies, as with the Christmas Events to all TVPB members and their partners/friends.
                               Ride On     Pottsie


This just to remind you that 0n Sunday 18th December we will be holding our Annual Christmas Fancy Dress Bash from the Starcross Fishing & Cruising Club. Format much the same as before i.e. gather from 10am for a 11am start ~ Stirrup Cup and nibbles to be kindly provided by Flappy & Spanners before we get mounted.

FANCY DRESS theme is “anything goes”, so you are free to use your imagination to create something other than a Santa outfit if you feel so inclined. Just remember that you still need to be able to ride your bike and carry some cash or cards.  We will have a Sherry stop and other drinks etc on route, probably at Aunt Sally’s before ending up in Dawlish at the Brunswick.

  After the ride we will return to the Club by 1.30pm latest for a two course LUNCH followed by a DISCO. All of this laced with SF&CC drinks at prices well below those in a Pub.

  This year we have to charge £15 per head, BUT if you payed Bash Tax for the year 21/22 you will be entitled to a £10 discount provided you haven’t already claimed it for Phoenix Dinner. i.e Tax Payers cannot have the £10 discount twice.   VERY IMPORTANT is what we now need to know A.S.A.P ~ is will you be coming to this event ? Also we would like you to pay when you confirm. WHY? because this is a private club and you must be registered before the event and we have to have numbers for the Caterer.

  If you are not attending any bash rides before 18th, then let me know by  email and make your payment via Bank Transfer to TEIGN VALLEY PEDAL BASHERS. Bank details available from myself or Sticky. Please make sure you include your name(s) on the transfer so that we know who it’s from.  Guests, Friends or Family are welcome to join us, they also will have to pay £15 each.

  So that’s it ! As most of you already know this is a special happy party day not to be missed and brilliant value for everyone ~  particularly for those only paying £5.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                      Ride ON  Pottsie


 Hi All Bashers

Our Traditional Fancy Dress ride & Christmas Party will be held at the Starcross Fishing & Cruising Club on Sunday 18TH December.

Format much the same as in previous years,  EXCEPT,  this year it will only cost £5 for all those Bashers who paid Bash Tax for the year 21/22.   All others will pay have to pay £15 !   

Don’t worry cos Sticky has the names of all of those Bashers who paid their Bash Tax last year.




Hi Bashers who F.A.R.T. & Thursday Night Flyers,

Every year we hold a F.A.R.T. lunch in December. However, this year we have to make a change to our timings in so much as we now have to consider holding it on WEDNESDAY EVENING 21ST DECEMBER @ The Phoenix, Chudleigh.

As it is now going to be an evening event we would like to combine the F.A.R.T. riders with the Thursday Night Flyers .

The meal will cost  £27 for 3 courses  ~ BUT, if you paid Bash Tax for the year 21/22 we will reduce the prices by £10  i.e to £17 .

First of all we now QUICKLY need to know if you would support  this event at the revised timings. The Menus will be made available and you will have to make your  food choices and pay £10 deposit in advance.


                      Ride ON   Pottsie


Hi All Bashers,

On Sunday 9th October we will hold our annual Special Rememberance Bash in conjunction with Mash’s ride from the Stables, Redacres, St Marychurch Rd, Coffinswell, TQ12 4SB. This is our very special Bash to reflect and recall our memories of the 27 Bashers we have sadly lost to the “Grim Reaper” since we were formed way back in April 1993. Their Names are listed below 

 Mick “Ned” Kelly ~ Brenda “Pinky” Peers ~ Simon”Poseur” Cross ~Paul “Noah” Yates ~ Mike “Farther” Wareham ~ Alf “Tommy” Atkins ~Richard “Two Dicks” Cox ~ Earl “3rd Peer” Richmond ~                 Roger “Birk”Wyman~ Chris”Silver Dip”Goddard~ Llyod”Prima”Moxhay~Frances”Tonto”Popley~  Steve”Snakebite”Lawrence Andy”Steptoe”Gorman~Chris”Mayday”Connel~Donna”Bella”Johnston~ Doug”Manky”Flack~Jeff”Moaning Geezer”Franke~Peter”Rubber”Jones~Jack”RJ” Smith~Graham”Ziggy”Zimbler~John”WubbleU WubbleU”Whiteway Howard”Toothprick”Warren~Alan”Isaac”Newton~Neil”Capt Ahab”Gamble

and now sadly this year  


                                                                                                                   John”Debacle”Arkle  ~ Jenny”Bedpig”Potts  

You may not have known ALL of these Bashers but we hope that you will join us and we trust the weather is kind so that we can celebrate and remember their lives either at 11am for the bike ride or after 1pm to meet for FREE food and drink . Plenty of parking and cover if it’s wet.  Please let us know either by Email or WhatsApp if you intend coming along to enable us to plan the catering .


                        RideOn  Pottsie                                                                                                                                             


My Jenny’s funeral service will be a non religious celebration of her life and will be held at 3.30pm on Tuesday 6th September in St Peters Chapel, Exeter Crematorium, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 6EU

Dress code Smart/smart casual. Family flowers only, but donations in memory of Jennifer are most welcome and will be divided for the benefit of three small local charities.

Dawlish Community Hospital

A.I.M.S. Dawlish

Rowcroft Hospice, Torquay

To be given by a retiring collection at the conclusion of the service  or forwarded to John Potts 14 Coryton Close, Dawlish EX7 9DT

If you are unable to attend then please note the service will be available via VIDEO LINK.

     1)  Enter

     2)  then enter Webcast Login PIN 455-9587 

The Secure PIN number will give you full access to view the service and will be available for 7 days

Regards and Thank you





Camping available Fri, Sat & Sun.   YOU WILL NEED TO BOOK ASAP for this fab weekend by messaging Trucker or Dids (Bin Liner)

There will be a cost of at least  £20 pp (tbc), whether you intend to do 1 night or all 3.  This will cover toilet hire, some alcohol (Beer, wine & cider – please bring your own aswell) burgers, sausages, some veggie stuff and rolls for BBQ  on Saturday night.

FRIDAY  – Fish & chips at Dunsford. THIS NEEDS TO BE BOOKED WITH TRUCKER and is payable on the night.

SATURDAY – Bash ride and/or visit to  Christow Show . BBQ in the evening.

SUNDAY – Bash ride