Hi All Bashers
This years traditional fancy dress ride & Christmas lunch party will take place Sunday 22nd December from Starcross Fishing & Cruising Club, starting at 10.15am for nibbles and a “stirrup cup” prior to an 11am start.
Format will be much the same as in previous years and “anything goes” for your choice of fancy dress. However, it is best that whatever you choose will allow you to ride your bike safely. We’ve had some fantastic creations in the past, so lets hope that once again history repeats itself.
The ticket price this year will be held at £10 for all 2019/2020 TVPB tax payers. Any other visitors will have to pay £15. Pottsie, Sticky or Blaster will be happy to collect your money and book you in. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer then please email Sticky at dowen0666@gmail.com and let him know. Details of our bank account and sort code will be made available if you don’t have them, just email your request to Pottsie.
Please bear in mind that Sunday 22nd December is only 5 weeks away and you are required to book and pay by 15th December if you wish to attend this very popular event which is always the Bash highlight of the year in the near perfect ambience of S.F. & C.C.
So, lets hope the weather is once again, kind to us.