Hi All Bashers,
On Sunday 11th February we will be holding our very popular “Bash Oscars 2017/8 Lunch & Presentations”  at the Jolly Farmer, Newton Abbot so you’ll want to be there!!
The rides that day will be planned by Blaster & Gassa these will also feature the “Mike Wareham Downhill Glides” (weather permitting).     After the rides we invite you to attend a special Carvery Lunch which will be served from 2:15 pm onwards .The awards ceremony will follow and we hope to finish by 4:30. If you want to eat then it’s going to cost £5 – HOW MUCH!!!!! – But only if you pay Bash tax!  Any others will have to pay £8 cos that’s what the meal is costing TVPB.
So, yet another fine example of what good value we give our Bash Tax Payers. However, as is normal practice, you must book and pay before hand if you want to eat ~ please note we now want your money ASAP and Tuesday 6th february is ABSOLUTE FINAL DATE for payment.
Sticky & Pottsie will take your cash but we would also appreciate help from any Senior Officers with this task. Remember that you can also pay by Credit Transfer to Sort 20-60-88,  A/c 90455377, but please email Sticky at  if you do this.
 A list of Oscar Nominees will be drawn up so if you have any recommendations please feel free to submit them by email to  ~ 
These must be received by Sunday 4th February. If you need any help or guidance please refer to our web sites the former and this website for a full list of last years rides, news and 2016 winners plus there is an absolute gold mine of information in the Birdseye magazine section. Use It !!
If you were a winner last year can you please return your “whatever” to Pottsie so that it can be recycled for 2017 . These must be brought back by Sunday 4th Feb latest. 
Finally you may have noticed that Myself and Sticky are not getting any younger so any help that you can give us with collecting money or with jokes or funny stories then please do not hesitate to volunteer.
                                  Ride On  Pottsie

Message from Pottsie

Hi All Bashers,
The Awards/Oscars Lunch & Presentations will be held on Sunday 11th February at The Jolly Farmer, Newton Abbot. Full details of timings,prices etc to follow shortly as soon as they are finalised.
Can last years winners please return their trophies back by Februray 4th at the latest for recycling to this years winners. Please also note that on Februray 11th we already have a ride booked so can Barsteward please speak to me about this.
Please also note that if you look at our 2018 rides programme on our Web site that we UGENTLY NEED SCOUT BASHERS FOR SEVERAL SUNDAYS ~ so if you haven’t set a Bash Ride for some time now’s your chance to “Step up to the Plate”. Please speak to Diamond Lil or failing that myself  ASAP.  Please, Lets try to give our Scout Mistress better support from now on!!
Finally, I have been asked by a Dawlish Carnival Organiser if we can help him by supplying him with some old Cycling Helmets, any condition as they will be decorated and painted. Have any of you got such items ?? If so let me know.



Hello Bashers and a Happy New Year.

This coming Sunday will see us departing from ‘The Dartmoor Lodge’, Asburton (next to Pear Tree Garage) at 11:00. We will be lead by Hatrack and there will be Roast Potatoes available on completion.

Historically we have been very well looked after at this venue so it would great if we have a decent turnout for the first Sunday Bash of the year.

ON ON for now and I look forward to riding with you all this year.
